Saturday, 25 January 2014

Body Mind Centering [24th January]

We had a very interesting reading for today that is also related with my dissertation topic. Today was a mixture of moving, discussion, group tasks and deep reflection. I enjoyed this format. 

At some point we shared opinions about Cecilia's workshop. We were asked to find the energy spot in our bodies and to associate it with a colour. (I had no pencils) While lying on the floor the only part moving was my chest-thanks to breathing; I got confused thinking my chest is the key. A few seconds later it was so obvious! Mt thought were SCREAMING!! It was obvious that the centre of my energy for that particular day (and therefore for my last few weeks- see 'Thought' post) is my skull or my brain. 

While working in partners I realized how difficult is to just listen. Shut up and listen to my partner's experience without me wanting to add, or approve, or argue. I find my lie very agitated and busy and the curious thing is that my body still asks for more physical activity, is never satisfied with a class or two a day or with 8 hours of work. I get home and I do feel tired but my body is still bagging for more jumping, thinking, analysing. I find it very hard to shut my body and mind down to quietness. Hellen Poynor was talking about the need of our bodies to be on the floor and listen to itself and the space. 'Always find a few minutes in your day an just go to the 'home position' where you can just be still and quiet' ( The Walk of Life- Anna Halprin Movement Ritual). So then why my body wants the other way round? Cecilia's session really brought up a lot of discussion and self reflection regarding this stupid need of myself.

Different people brought up different reflections: expectations, habits, choosing to hear, initiating movement from a part of the body, individuality, intimate, separating the thought and talking, uniqueness. Also there was a discussion around dance and therapy- not very interested at the moment.

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