Sunday, 27 February 2011

IPP Presentation

We had to think about some ideas of a possible performance, and we had as well a discussion about it with our tutor, Katye.
The most representative work that we have done until now during IPP sessions is the portraits work. This helped me to look deep into myself and find different sides of me that I didn't know that exist!
After reading the hand-outs from IPP I start asking myself some questions. First I start researching who I was before this huge change came into my life....what this change bring in my life?
-place(country, home, room);
-language- expressing;
-food, water, juice, fluids;
-values, memories;
-lifestyle, friends, music;
- culture, books, DVDs; etc.....
What kind of influences happened before I start building up my personality, education and who I am?
Working with Fiona made me discover a new friendship; we even created our "hearts" inside our intimate universe and during the whole process we passed trough...
The movie "Avatar" is as well related to this work because I feel that now I'm living in parallel in this new world and sometimes I go back to where I come from. It's interesting to notice how changed is my point of view now and how I look at people that are an important part of my past...
This work made me reflect a lot about myself and even I start writing to myself...It is related to my Body Story also!
The discussion with Katye gave me some ideas: -memory of places where I come from (the beautiful landscapes of the village where my grandparents used to live and the house of my childhood, the animals around us, the forest, the fresh mountain-air, flowers, colors, interesting stories, sounds, alive nature, river, smells...)
Another idea is sending a series of letter to myself, to start looking to different artist that work with this idea and I'm planing to visit that amazing village in April.
The word "intervention"....-who made interventions in my life? and why? Sometimes some people, but sometimes it's just the "destiny"...things just happen!
I found a strong motivation and interest about cultural phenomena!
The idea- experience-expression...what is the source of my performance?
I need to find my flexible can be my membrane? I'm afraid not to be broken at some point...maybe it's already broken...

Theater Game

On 1st of March we have to deliver a theater game, which will be part of one hour workshop plan. I was thinking to make a workshop abut self-confidence and trust, and as well working in groups. So this is my game:

Make a semicircle.
a) When the music starts come into the space being aware of relationships with the others. Be natural, don't try to act something, just stand up, lie down, run, you can roll, or sit, just normal and simple actions. (2 min)
b) Use the same idea, but this time come in physical contact with the others and try to keep eye-to-eye connection! (2 min)

This game's aim to offer to students the comfort of being part of a group, and be confident with the idea of having around people and coming in contact with them! I try to build up a little "society" with specific habits and particular movement.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Jane Boyd

I'm reading an interesting web site , related to a recent post: "WATER" , so I'm not the only one interested in water studies!! you can check Jane Boyd web-site!


It is Saturday afternoon and I just watch a very interesting film (documentary), that made me ask some questions...
The film talks about water, the most common substance on Earth. Water is with us in every moment of out lives, but where does it come from? and who brings it? why? As this movie says, "only water itself knows the answers...".  In Bible, water is considered as a concept, related with life! Many scientists had studied water's composition, as molecule and they decided we know almost nothing about water.
With modern technology, people discovered that water has memory and it contains different types of information.
The brain is made of 85% water !!! The scientist affirm that the water we introduce in our body can affect our brain and decisions that we take,even the character! Water is the "key" of  information exchanging in the world and it is as well the way that the environment can be controlled.
The words that we use intensely and thoughts that we have can be imprinted into water. There are stories that talk about people who were able to do miracles just because of their profound spiritual knowledge, and by using holly water, that has amazing qualities! Scientists say that the whole system is a state of instability, so the power of "thought" is strong enough to make all universe change! Whatever we do, it turns back to ourselves, not as punishment, but as result! And every word we say and every thought we have separates from us and became a part of global information environment! So this defines a human as a source of information, that makes the universe constantly changing! But water as well is considered as a source of life just because of her capacity of self-purifying: it evaporates, it condenses, it rains, it freezes and it melts, but is maintains the main structure: the program for life!
How the world was created? Everything begins in water and in water everything comes to an end!
Every single word is a drop of water and any thought is a source of information! This is the idea that made me raise some questions about humanity and individual!
What are the relations between humans and nature? How does this relation can influence our daily lives? How do people react to water? Why is water source of our lives?
This film make me reflect about myself and abut my connection to the Universe and it made me take a great decision : to have FAITH!!! and then the Universe is going to respond back...

What do you think abut this?

Can you imagine a water dance? If not...just watch this video!!!


Just some images about our skeleton and spine! It's interesting to observe a human's body structure! 
Sometimes I am surprised by the way I can move the spine and by the feeling of finding a lot of space between vertebrae.In every session we work a lot with the idea of "body architecture" and we are asked to close the eyes and just scan our body: skeleton, muscles, tissues, skin...and to imagine the imprint that the body would let on sand...very beautiful image!

Friday, 25 February 2011


The Cerebrum= the largest part of the human brain;
          -4 lobes:

  1. the frontal lobe- reasoning, speech, movement, emotions, problems solving;
  2. the parietal lobe- orientation, recognition, perception;
  3. the occipital lobe- visual processing;
  4. the temporal lobe- perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory and speech.

There are 2 hemispheres:
  1. Left Hemisphere - logic abilities;
  2. Right Hemisphere- creativity;

The Cerebellum ("little brain")- regulation and coordination of movement, posture and balance.
-it is much older than the cerebrum, evolutionarily;
Limbic system= emotional brain (old);
MEMORY refers to the processes that are used to acquire, storage, retain and later retrieve information. So there are 3 major processes: encoding( receiving), storage, retrieval.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Impro [27.01.2011] - Polly

Warm up- individually- 5 min.(stretching, running, relaxing, roll down)- relaxing music.
Bring the attention to the bones, one movement follows the next, and the next, and the next (bones of arms, shoulders, neck, shoulder blades)- bones fold and unfold...
Finding surprising ways to move perhaps, maybe those tissues around the bones soft somehow; moving from the structure-skeleton; follow where the movement tales you; duets between the bones of the skull and foot, or arms and legs, find new duets! become curious! allow to your attention to move to a new duet! the movement takes you somewhere in the space, on th floor or off the floor;

{ I'm sitting here, at the edges of the dance studio...observing the other dance students! Even if my whole body is in pain, I feel like dancing, like exploring some new movement, maybe some new duets! }

The feeling of stillness...they go to one side of the room, staying in their bones, skeleton, architecture.

  • sitting, rolling, stretching, alignment, simple movement---> crossing the floor by expressing the simplicity of the structure, moving by unexpected ways, just keeping it simple!
  • work in pairs---> crossing the floor( play with the architecture of the body and space between partners); being curious, how does it feel?
[Free writing: I AM.....Oana, bored, sick, happy, in love, ME, a dancer ands actress, I am in Coventry, I am a body, fluid, dangerous, free, beautiful, white, natural, 19, away, writing, skinny, sometimes alone, but also a big family...many families, I am celebrating myself everyday, I am a girl or a woman? I am following my body voice, originality, sensitivity! confused, the dance studio.]

I observed how energy changes during this session while receiving information and while practicing!


Impro [24. February.11]

We played a really interesting game today during our improvisation class, with Polly.
A group of 8 persons do normal things like: sitting, coming up, rolling, watching each other...
The idea as to feel where you were into that space and to be aware of relationships with the others, being confident and feeling comfortable with the idea of having people around and coming in contact with them.
As a witness I could observe how the people in the group started creating a particular society with specific habits and gesture. It is really interesting to observe how people build up relations just by being natural and not acting anything special.
I think this game is useful for my theater workshop that I need to deliver next Tuesday. I chose a different game but now I'm pretty sure this is the one I was looking for!
In my theater workshop I want to explore the idea of trusting each other and being comfortable with people touching. It is related as well the idea of working in partnership and teams, fact that develops confidence and trust.

Body Story Reflections

I'm just reading some hand-outs from Katye. It is about physical fitness and emotional side of every dancer! "Dancers are in fact, among the supreme round athletes in our society".

  • Body Composition;
  • Flexibility- a joint's ability to move freely;
  • Balance- yoga, pilates;
  • Endurance- the ability to use muscles for a long time of period without being tired;
  • Speed- running, jogging;
  • Power and strenght- cardiovascular fitness refers to the ability of heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport and utilize oxygen (jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics).
The use of emotional well-being to move your life forward in positive directions!
The emotional balance helps us to discover and be aware of our heart's desires, taking positive actions and making changes in our life. Stress can be a source of damaging our boy and spirit and can generate illness. We can prevent this by sleeping and resting more, yoga practices, having a good and healthy diet, not smoking and not drinking alcohol. 
One of issues of emotional well-being can be the lack of self confidence. In this situation we need to talk to someone about this, because a shared problem is a half-solved one. We need to be open to all new good experience in life and all we need is trying to keep positive everyday.
This ideas are related to my body story, because sometimes I just can't let my home problems out of studio, and SRT classes helped me let them go and just living the momentum. 
An other important thing for my body story is the discussion with Joana abut my lack of self confidence when I have to do things that I never did, like theater games and improvisation. I think one of the sources of this lack is the fact that it takes a while to get use to this new language , people and environment! I think after that discussion I opened up myself and I can feel the difference now! 
What do you think about it?
So, thank you, Joana!
Other factors that are related to this topics:
  1. Self-control
  2. Social issues(friends, family, relationships, etc...)
  3. Life events
  4. Coping strategies
For example during reading week I was home and I needed to relax somehow and to move as well. So I decided to take a walk in Botanic Park of my home city with my big brother, Vlad and my little dog, Dolly.
I could feel the fresh air in all by body-heart, skin, lungs, nose- and I felt like all thought are living my head. I think that happened because it was such a pleasure to be there with my brother and dog, so we start expressing ourselves: jumping, running, natural and so fun!!!

Sometimes animals can help you let go your problems and reduce stress levels.
I can say, from all of my heart that this little walk made an even stronger connection between my brother and I , and made me realize how important is he in my life! Even if in past we had "brother- fights", now I understand how much I appreciate him and I'm being aware of love that I feel for him!!!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

SAGE - What do I take from it?

Obviously, I can't sleep now, even if it's the midnight!!!I keep thinking about the presentation from IPP...
So what do I take from today session, when we read some fragments from "The SAGE Handbook of Performance Practice"? I put down just the first ideas that came into my mind when I read it, that can be considered as "interventions" into my work and process.

  • Performance is not about "good" or "bad"; observing a process;
  • Open up endless questions, even when I cook, or have a shower, or sleep...
  • The word "interventions"- who made interventions in my life?- sometimes people around me, sometimes just the "destiny" ... things just happen! with no reason or explanation!
  • Finding motivation and interest in cultural phenomena;
  • The idea: experience-expression => source of my performance, but my experience of changing as well...
  • Finding my boundary! How flexible can be my "membrane"? I'm afraid not to be broken at some point...maybe it's already broken?!
  • PERFORMATIVITY- the first thing that came in my mind: = making routine that offer me a basic practice, that can prepare me for performing...always being ready to experience new ideas and creating movement...being ready mentally and spiritually as well;
  • Interpretations of identity;
  • Questions:- start researching who I was before this changing came into my life!- what this change brings in my life?- what kind of influences happened when I started building up my personality, education and who I am! Portraits helped me to raise these questions about myself! => working with Fiona- new relationship.
  • Changing place(country, home), friends, language, food, values, meanings, symbols!
  • Relations to somatic studies , Body Story! 

Just An Idea

"The lessons we most need to learn are the lessons in mourning without killing and loving without taking.This is the end toward which performance aims!"
[The SAGE Handbook of Performance Studies]

Image From My Journal

I just needed to add this image to one of my older posts!...Sometimes it is easily to draw what I feel, hear, see, smell rather than writing it down...

Skinner Releasing Technique - Image

The "spongy" idea gave me the feeling of releasing all muscles and tissues : feet, tights, shoulders, arms, pelvis, hips...-> free movement.
I was focused on my breathing rhythm.
I was able to let go all my problems and outside thoughts ... and then I felt myself very easy and free.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Find a place to be...

Find a place to be; it may be somewhere that you are familiar with, or somewhere that is new to you, or somewhere that you are drawn to for a reason you cannot explain. Let your mind to go blank, let your thoughts float away like a cloud passing in the sky. Listen to the sound you can hear, write them down Pay you attention to things you can see and make some notes about this. Begin to notice how you feel, write or draw it down.

It is a totally new place for me! With new faces and sounds; crisps;
I'm in front of a music studio because I need to find new things in my life!
                            guitar             feelings                   tears                  words          Valentine Day

The first sound I can hear is the sound of my "inside voice".Guitar music! man voice, breathing, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

  • the sound of my pen on the paper;
  • different instruments, violent, funny, rhythm, beat, laugh, talent, ~~~~~~
  • steps...harder and much stronger, it goes deep inside; it starts again, WHY?;
  • variations;
  • hop hop hop hop, feet, adidas, nike, taratarrr atatataratata ratatara...
It gives me power to go over my problems, pure, natural, perfect sound, heart, love, art; Daaaaaaaa
- The longest one! second!
-Smiling, purity, inside, open, forgive and forget...slow...sad :( :( :( what's next?...curious, scared, suspense, voices, influence, again, boring, lalalala

-> after just a few comments and sounds! Steps, stress, annoying

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Theater Skills- Newspaper

Two weeks ago we had a very interesting session, we had a lot of fun by working with a specific material : the newspaper!
What can it be? Two legs? Of maybe four legs!! It can be a monster, or it can be a plane!!! It can be anything if you let free your imagination!!

Sometimes the kids are to small to play with a ball! hahahaha Watch that!


Working with Objects and Memory

My daily life is strong related to different objects, that offer me beautiful memories from my past, or even bad experiences that happened some time ago.
When Lilly asked us to bring some objects that remind us of something special I chose this two things: a picture with a landscape from Spain and my boyfriend's blouse.

Here you can find the first things that came into my mind when I start observing the blouse:

  • strong connection and feelings;
  • I always smile when I see it;
  • when I can't sleep I hug it very strong, sometimes I find myself talking to the blouse;
  • specific smell;
  • large and comfortable;
  • it has 2 sides;
  • it is a part of it is a part of US!

Free writing after spending a few minutes with my object
I found new way to put the blouse on me...I tried to show different parts of my body by using the blouse.
It's smell gives me a relaxing feeling.
I expressed my memories -> I was angry (am tarat bluza...a strange noies came out of it...parca seems to be alive!!! nooo...I's surely alive, because it's a part of us)
What a soft material!!! It smells lovely!
->I felt happy to have this object around me, it protects me, I feel so secure now! 

Reflections after the session
His blouse knows everything about us, all our secrets, mysteries, spirits, even tears (happy tears, or tears of sadness)...our own Universe where we can be strong just if we are together...I don't exist without him, he doesn't exist without me! -> energy, influence, calm, safety, love. [vreau acasa, vreau sa fiu alaturi de el....offf, imi lipsesti enorm!! Ma poti auzi oare? Sunt aici... ]

Rehearsal [ 4.02.2011] IPP

This rehearsal made us discover new interpretations of our work and helped me to see what a strong connection I have with Fiona!

  •  rolling into a big sheet of paper allowed us to create an intimate space, our bodies were very closed one to the other;
  • bringing sides of our personalities together;
  • going through a process together;
  • our movement depends on each other (if I go one way, she need also to come in my direction => if I make a choice, I need to take the responsibility for the other also);
  • this is the process of exploration of the soul, and at the end of it we share our feelings from our hearts.

Floor Routine

It feel so good when we work in pairs! We can share opinions and also we give feedback one to each other:

  • continuous movement;
  • be as soft as possible;
  • head leading;
  • long spine;
  • head to tail connection;
  • soft pelvis;
  • pelvis initiate the movement;
  • roll up/down;
  • release the hip joints.
What do you think about this??? Some comments?
Thank you!!!

Skinner Releasing Technique

     Skinner Releasing Technique

    1. Select 2 images from the classes and write a couple of sentences about how they felt/associations/reflections/meaningful to you.

One of the most exciting images that I tried to play with is represented by the marionette strings. We started with the idea of allowing someone to apply at the head the strings, that gave me the sensation of a floating skull, with no tension in the neck tissues. The strings were also attached by our arms and knees and this is how a nice improvisation started. I started to explore my natural reactions and paths, fact that defines me as a dancer. I found useful playing with the idea of cutting of my strings, and this is when I could feel all my muscles released, and then I “attached “again the strings, fact that pushed me again into moving very free and easy.
During my improvisation I found moments when my ribcage was lifted or some muscles were still tensed, but I think that being aware of my own body is an important part of the process.

Another image that really helped me to release my body tension was the hammock. This object offer a floating sensation, I could feel the air around myself coming in contact with the edges of my body. The hammock is hanging in the air and it allows me to sink into it, to melt down to the earth, and the air also takes the form of my body and this is how the natural movement begins!

2. Write 3 sentences on any ideas from SRT that may apply to your movement practice and your body story.

The first thing that can be applied to my body story is the breath. SRT classes made me realize how I can create movement by breathing and how different it looks! Observing my own breath let me find my “body rhythm” and to be aware also of the body-mind connection.

One of the most important effects of SRT classes on myself is starting to reduce a part of my constraints. Letting everything go, muscles and thoughts, helped me to throw outside the dance studio my daily problems and anxiety. Sometimes I found moments when I was completely still, just thinking about my own body and breath, nothing else, just living the momentum. This helps me to focus just on my body movement.

I think about a comparison: dance-real life, and this classes gave me so many similarities and opposites. When I think just about myself and nothing else I can dance free, I'm more easy like a bird! This is how I prepare myself to be ready to interpret new images and creative ideas.
In real life, when I take out of my mind all problems, I am more happy and I also feel free, I feel open to new experiences and coming in contact with people around me!

Oana Rotariu
Dance, Theater and Professional Practice

Thoughts and Feelings...

It is 12:44 AM and I can't sleep; I don't know if I should write this thoughts in my journal and blog, but they are an important part of the process that I'm going through.
 What do I celebrate? The fact that I am a very sensitive human being! Another part of my process is my relationship with the man I love, he makes me laugh, or cry, or dance; he opened new beautiful sides of me! Anytime we have a "fight" I feel like i'm going out of myself and then I need to move, to dance and to let go everything, to go as far as I can go, to fly away, to discover...
I need also to look very deep into my heart and all I can see is him...

                    Me, a thought...a smile
                    Passion, missing you, desire
                    Exist, dream...

All these words come from you...why? who are you?...and who do you make me???
You make me who I am!
I think this reflections are related to my studio practice, because all these feelings give me energy to overcome my own limits and to express myself in different ways!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Professional Performances

Last week we had the honor to watch an amazing performance in Warwick Arts Center presented by Danish Dance Theater , which is one of the foremost contemporary companies in Scandinavia. By his choreography, Tim Rushton wants to combine the classical lines of ballet with the power of modern dance in three different pieces.

Enigma is the name of the electro mechanical encryption machine used by German Military during the World War II to code and decode messages. The dancers express the idea that we all need the right codes to understand the beautiful and sensual duets and also the relationship between humans.

CaDance is an exciting testosterone-fueled competition between five male dancers, driven by Andy Pape's thrilling score performed live on stage by two drummers. Dancers' bodies are like drumsticks and they wait for each other and then in a split second they attack.

Kridt , which translates as "Chalk" presents a man on the verge of death remembering his life, love and losses, as told by the men and women he has known.

This three performances inspires me a lot! The dancers looked so powerful on stage and they had very strong muscles! Amazing!!! 

Studio Work

When I practice this exercise I feel like flying! I can't see my mistakes!
But now, I can observe myself :
  • feet work-articulate;
  • softness in the chest;
  • arms relaxed and free;
  • keep the hips in the same line (pelvis falls down trough hills);
  • EAT THE SPACE!!!!!;
  • be as  low as possible ( don't jump high);
  • Go as far as you can;
I can see me arms going up and down while I'm jumping and I need to take care of my spine alignment !! 
What do you think about it????

Studio Practice Routine

Today we repeated also our studio practice routine and we tried to think about the feedback that Natalie gave us during classes:

  • continuous and fluid movement;
  • softness in the chest;
  • head leading;
  • moments of pressing [ head goes to tail];
  • moments of extension [ stretch the spine];
  • moments of balance: make sure that the ribcage in soft and down and the pelvis falls trough the hills;
  • don't forget to breath!

What a beautiful sequence! As more as we practice it, more we can focus on things that Natalie told us.
What do I take from this class?

  • freedom when I dance and jump;
  • softness;
  • foot work;
  • the feeling of discovering someone else and work together - Amber was my partner and I really enjoyed working with her! She is a great girl! Thank you, Amber:)

Rehearsal [ 3.02.2011]

This rehearsal changed a lot of ideas and our presentation looks very different then yesterday!

Starting by personal scores and sequences we tried to find moments of connection => improvisation.
We cover our bodies with the movement portraits and then we try to let the audience see just a few parts of our bodies. [wake up]

Then we will find some ways to get out of it => start a new process of developing ourselves - opening up our senses.

As you can see, our movement portraits have different places in the studio ; we both come from different cultures , with different types of education => different directions: -; \.

The other two portraits are placed closed together because of our strong relationship, but still separated because we want to show that every individual is unique...but can be influenced by people around.

We go out of our individual universe and try to open up to new experiences!
- improvisation [suspension across the space];
Coming in contact with someone else's portrait represents starting a relationship with a human being.
-explore the idea of playing with different parts of the "body" and try to find the reactions:
 [shoulders, thighs, heart]

Tomorrow we want to try to roll together in the same sheet of paper! I am very excited and curious how this experience will be!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Rehearsal [ 2.02.2011]

  •  Different directions = the effect of different people' influence in my life;
  • Running = energy ; I want to learn the best parts of every event and person in my life;
  • Fingers = extensions of my body => extensions of my personality;
  • Take off all influences from my myself and think about my natural side: portrait number 1;
  • My portrait = my own world and I need a "ritual" to prepare myself to get into this individual universe. The other people, are they allowed to be part of my universe? What can be my reactions to this?

Tomorrow I go back in the studio, with Fiona, to find out different reactions and to develop this idea!


Letter to Myself - part 2

....Here I am again in front of myself! This time I can see new things in my portrait! Now my attention goes to my eyes.

 In this drawing they look so powerful and full of energy! When we establish relationships with other human beings the first thing that happens is the "eye-to-eye" connection! We can discover so many secrets and different sides of people' personality just by having a deep look in their eyes! But do we use the same eyes to look inside of our person, too? How do I see myself?
Finding myself is one of the hardest things in these last months! I've changed my home, my friends, my lifestyle, even my diet...but the most important is the fact that I've changed my dance style! So who am I now?

Letter to Myself - part 1

                            Dear Oana,

I'm sitting here, in front of you and you can see me very well, actually you can see yourself! I had a really beautiful childhood...full of love and happiness...and now I am almost 20 years old and I was waiting for this class to make me reflect about who I am and why...
I try to eat healthy, but sometimes I feel like eating junk food...The most important thing is my heart...the process of my life happens in my soul; how can I express my feelings? What a mixture of feelings you can find in my soul if  you look deeply into it! I am so sensitive, and many people around me influenced me and my activities! People around me define me as a human being! Is this good? Or wrong? Anyway it's natural....I just need to open up, because I have so many beautiful experiences to share...