Monday, 5 May 2014

Katy Coe morning class at Independent Dance London

13/03/1014 -notes from my journal

  • light
  • saying yes
  • exploration of the skull-transporting a skull into the space
  • supporting parts of the body and making space to be supported
  • discussion around expectation versus intuition - I found out that while moving slowly I almost expected those place where I am given support but when I started to move a bit quicker (keeping the same intention) my partner and I found a lot of surprising moments and new ways of giving/ receiving support
  • skeleton in space
  • moving at unconscious level and not giving the brain a chance to think how I place parts of my body and this is how the supports happens 
  • expectation-surprise-conscious-unconscious-suspension- the space feels like it's calling for me and asking me to be attached to it. 
  • or to simply extend my intention out into the space and then just notice how the space around me changes. 
  • sphere of energy and directions
  • sending out that energy that;'s already happening inside and across my body 
  • changing roles feels very natural this time- being familiar with one person
  • solo work-orbiting around the space  and from time to time when you less expect it- being offered support. This possibility is now open for everyone in the space.
  • Sateliting and blending / being invited and saying yes. Or finding different ways of accepting that support.
  • it's also something about allowing that support to dissolve itself - a lot of was for that to happen. 
  • I have participated at this class with Fiona Jackson and it's so interesting to notice how my body's memory activates itself and how familiar it is to move with my dear friend. Our past movement and projects informing these two hours of individual and partner work session. Finding old connections which now transform themselves. It's like we are using our backgrounds to build up now something even stronger; I believe she will be a life time movement researcher with me and around me and about me and always there when I create or we create. 

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