Tuesday, 27 December 2011


[ 4 females moving from the heart impressive connected breath heart beat limbs feel see ]
During my holidays I have enough time to reflect back over my experience in the Uk and I decided to go back to all my "dancing and performing" videos, but now I watch them differently. What is changed? Is it something wrong with me? Is this me?

Monday, 19 December 2011

last technique class term 1

Last Thursday before the Vivas we had a last technique class with the amazing professor Sarah.
We had the chance to think and work compositionally so we were initiated in the "making process" and I worked with Fiona. The phrase changing just came so easy and so natural!!!
Thanks Fiona for wonderfull connections!


Tuesday, 13 December 2011

ipp2 solo


I have used this video as a resource for my solo, but this time I have a totally different vision over it. I am more interested of the dresse's journey, the way it moves and what parts of the body covers or shows. The way it folds and unfolds, the continuous movement. I found difficult to follow this material's jouney, but I watched it many many times and every time I notice something different.
What do you think? ( ignore the sound, the dancers, the audience and just follow the dress...)

Monday, 12 December 2011

Ipp2 solo work

Within this solo I chose to work with light source, memories, feelings and meanings.
There is a song that hides lots of secrets and every time I listen to it feel like I open the "feeling box" and all my past experience invade my whole being...


My object will be a red and long Pina Bausch Dress, that symbolyse feminism and it is as well full of memories and feelings...

My light source will be a few candles, the natural fire, that also have different meanings and it is used in a variety of contexts.

performance projects

This module was a very "full" one , research, moving, performing, reflecting, working on my own, working in a group, etc...
  • artists research-finding out who we are working with
  • postcards and scores work-physical and senzorial awareness before the intesives
  • intensives- working with the choreographer
  • feedback from katye
  • company rehearsals
  • observing the choreographer performing
  • performance day
  • reflections after the performance over the whole process
  • 2nd role

Sunday, 11 December 2011



I am reading now some Installation Art books and I found really ispiring art works, that give bits of ideas for my little perf. on Wednesday. I fell drawn by the projection as well as installation.
Last summer I had horrible head pains and my brother asked me to go to the clinique where he works and to do a RMI. The strong pains made my way to the hospital and my brother leaded my investigation.
I even have a little 'movie' with my skull scan and the doctors said that there was no problem with my skull. They still can't explain my pains, but I have decided to start my own investigation, as I have the scan.

I can even see the sketch of a performance : all my pains + my fear + my thoughts + the massive machine and myself inside of it + the horrible noise inside of it + projecting images of my skull scan on a wall + my body into the space ...